Cllr. Howard Roberts

Cllr. Howard Roberts

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Letter to the local press on the draft National Planning Policy Framework

Dear Editor,

Your letters page, which I often use as a barometer of feeling in the area, is frequently dominated with opinion on various planning issues. For me, this signals that development, both commercial and residential, is probably the most contentious issue that communities have to contend with.

Preserving the natural environment whilst also allowing for housing a growing population is a very delicate balancing act. The Government is currently consulting on a different approach to planning in a document titled the '
Draft National Planning Policy Framework'. Their intention is to reform the planning system so that it is less complex and more accessible, however it is predicated on the assumption that the UK needs to grow housing at an accelerated rate.

The consultation on this document ends on the 17th October. Given the outcome of the debate could substantially alter how planning applications are decided within our Town, I encourage people to read the document and contribute to the debate. The full document can be downloaded from the Department of Communities and Local Government website or it can be read in hard copy at the Town Hall.

I am happy to facilitate the passing on of views from residents of Dunchurch and Knightlow to the consultation and I am sure colleagues representing other wards would do the same.

Yours faithfully,
Cllr. Howard Roberts,
Dunchurch and Knightlow Ward

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