Cllr. Howard Roberts

Cllr. Howard Roberts

Friday, 19 August 2011

Letter to the Rugby Observer on the recent rioting

Dear Editor,
The riots around the country have obviously focussed our attention on the young people involved in gangs. Their wanton violence has disgusted us all and there can be no excuse.

In comparison with the mob rule that has dominated our screens we have also seen the inspiring England Cricket team as they have established themselves as the premier test team in the world. These young men have shown that through hard work and dedication you can achieve great things.

Within this great test team, former Dunchurch resident Ian Bell, schooled in Princethorpe, has been an integral member. He has once more highlighted that Rugby has a great tradition of sport.

Although top-class sport is a wonderful spectacle we must also remember that mass-participation sport can provide a wonderful outlet for young people’s energy and motivation. We should encourage and provide opportunities for it to be more accessible.

The majority of young people that I meet as a Councillor and in my day job as a teacher are polite and have a good moral outlook. While we should make an example of the more virulent strains of some juveniles, as a society we should also allow the talents of the commendable majority to be encouraged and showcased.

Yours faithfully,
Cllr. Howard Roberts
Dunchurch and Knightlow Ward

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