Borough Council awards its Councillors over 20% more in annual allowances than
any of the other district councils in Warwickshire. This fact has seen me
propose a reduction of Rugby Borough Councillors’ allowances in a radical money
saving idea. Equalisation of allowances in line with the levels of other
councils would raise enough money to cut resident’s borough council tax bills
by around 1.5%.
allowances have historically been set by an independent remuneration panel. I
think Council should take the initiative and reduce the current basic allowance
from £6,227 to £4,500 at the annual budget meeting in February. By statute the
council has freedom to set the allowance level – with reference to independent
review. In 2010 the allowances were reviewed and in the independent report mention
was made of the difference between Rugby Borough Council’s basic allowances and
that of neighbouring councils.
Councils of Nuneaton, Stratford, Warwick and North Warwickshire annually pay
their councillors around £1700 less for doing the same job as councillors in
Rugby. This anomaly could easily be rectified, allowing Rugby Borough Council
to reduce council tax by 1.5%.
we can use this saving to cut council tax I believe it would be appreciated by
many in the Borough. As wages remain static while retail prices increase, any
reduction in household expenditure will be welcomed.
my plan Rugby Borough Council allowances reduced to £4,500, with any special
responsibility allowances paid to councillors in executive positions reduced by
the same percentage (27.7%).
public endlessly hear council officials talk about reducing back office costs
without hitting frontline services – this proposal does exactly that. We can
reduce our allowances to the level of our neighbouring councils - whose members
are just as qualified - and save enough money to give Rugby residents a cut in
their annual council tax bill.
argument that states the council will lose good councillors if we reduce
allowances belittles the hard working and intelligent councillors of other
towns in Warwickshire. They work just as hard as we do – but get a smaller
allowance. This is because they recognise being a councillor shouldn’t be about
the financial reward, it should be about the reward of public service.
Basic Allowances
of the other district councils in Warwickshire:
Nuneaton Borough Council £4,734,
Stratford District Council £4,500,
Warwick District Council £4,631,
North Warwickshire Borough Council £4,942,
Rugby Borough Council £6,227.
The current
proposed Council Tax Base (how much RBC will receive from taxes is £6,210,000.
The total savings that I will propose in my budget amendment are £123,232. This
would be a reduction in required council tax of 1.98%.
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