Below is my letter to the local papers on the speeding and road safety on rural roads, especially at Christmas:
Dear Editor,
Over the last decade the roads in Warwickshire have seen a welcome reduction in fatalities and injuries. We should all be thankful for this trend, but guard against complacency because a single fatality on our roads is one too many. Unfortunately there is always a spike in accidents at Christmas time and this is especially marked on rural roads.
Within the Dunchurch and Knightlow ward that I represent, like other rural wards in the County, we have many bendy, narrow and unpredictable roads. The cold weather often makes these routes especially treacherous and I would like to ask that people exercise additional caution over the festive period.
We live in a time when the inexorable improvements in car safety features have reduced the mortality rate on our roads, but we must remain vigilant against careless and often just plain dangerous driving.
I wish all the people of Rugby safe journeys this Christmas.
Cllr. Howard Roberts
Dunchurch and Knightlow Ward