Cllr. Howard Roberts

Cllr. Howard Roberts

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Festive letter to the papers

Dear Editor

At this special time of year I would like to wish all the people of Rugby a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I especially want to thank those who will be working during the festive season.

I always find this time of year enjoyable and I particularly relish seeing our Villages beautifully decorated, and meeting neighbours at the Church and community events.

I hope that 2012 will be a successful and healthy year for everybody. 

Yours faithfully,
Cllr. Howard Roberts

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Road Safety Message

Below is my letter to the local papers on the speeding and road safety on rural roads, especially at Christmas:

Dear Editor,

Over the last decade the roads in Warwickshire have seen a welcome reduction in fatalities and injuries. We should all be thankful for this trend, but guard against complacency because a single fatality on our roads is one too many. Unfortunately there is always a spike in accidents at Christmas time and this is especially marked on rural roads.

Within the Dunchurch and Knightlow ward that I represent, like other rural wards in the County, we have many bendy, narrow and unpredictable roads.  The cold weather often makes these routes especially treacherous and I would like to ask that people exercise additional caution over the festive period.

We live in a time when the inexorable improvements in car safety features have reduced the mortality rate on our roads, but we must remain vigilant against careless and often just plain dangerous driving.

I wish all the people of Rugby safe journeys this Christmas.

Cllr. Howard Roberts
Dunchurch and Knightlow Ward